What Are Digital Ad Campaigns?

If you're running any kind of business, you are probably very focused on one specific determiner of success - growth. But not just any kind of growth, measurable growth.

In order to expand your business endeavors and increase revenue, you need to get more people interested in your product or service. 

Digital marketing is a cost-effective way to grow your business where your results can be attributed directly to your marketing efforts. You can reach a larger audience, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions all with an effective digital ad campaign. 

But where do you start? This guide will give you the run-down on what a digital ad campaign is, and how to build one. 

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is essentially marketing to devices. Digital ad campaigns are run through online-based technology and can take many forms depending on the media or platform.

Additionally, digital ad campaigns reach users through all of their devices. This means that you can reach people wherever they are. As a result, audience size increases drastically when you choose to run a digital ad campaign. 

Before we break down each channel, let's talk about the importance of maintaining a quality website. 

The best digital ad campaigns always start with the foundation of a good website. So before you dedicate budget and time to all the elements of constructing an effective campaign, you need to make sure your website is easy to navigate, eye-catching, and guides users to action. 

No matter how effective your campaigns are, users are going to drop off immediately if they land on a confusing or poorly built website.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's look at which channels to utilize for your digital ad campaign.  

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The easiest way to get your digital marketing efforts off the ground at no cost to you is to optimize your website for Google search. This strategy is referred to as Search Engine Optimization. Ranking high on Google is determined by three important factors.

First, make your website easy to find by building up backlinks and using relevant keywords.

Next, keep the content on your website clear and reflective of your brand. Summarize who you are, address your audience's pain points, and provide a powerful call to action. 

Lastly, build credibility by presenting information that's factual and useful. The more trusted your content becomes, the more traffic you will get to your website. Constructing an effective SEO strategy will be the starting place for all other digital ad campaigns. 

Social Media Marketing

If you want to reach a large audience of users who are ready to engage with new brands and products, you need to build a social media ad campaign. 

Social media ads have great potential as they allow businesses to answer the user's need before they go searching. People are constantly on their devices scrolling through social media platforms.

A well-built ad campaign will be targeted to the correct people based on demographics and interests so you can catch their attention and prompt them to take action. 

Running campaigns on social platforms can take some planning. You need to figure out your target audience, create images and videos that appeal to that audience, and identify which KPIs are the best indicators of success for your business. 

This means staying on top of industry trends and constantly testing new things. With a range of campaign objectives and targeting options, social media marketing makes the possibilities endless. 

However, without a clear strategy and goal, you could end up wasting time and money. Your campaign strategy should include clear objectives and an outline of how you plan to reach your goals. 

Social Media ad campaigns work best when you take a hands-on approach. That means continuous monitoring and adjusting to find the perfect audience, bid, budget, and ad creative for your business. 

Content Marketing

Content marketing is another powerful tool to use within your digital ad campaign. This is published content on your website or blog that's meant to show consistency and present reliable information for users. 

Through longer-form content, you can gain the user's trust by showing them that you really know your stuff! Whatever information you choose to present, it should be relevant to your target audience and guide readers to purchase your product or service. 

Pay Per Click (PPC)

SEO can take some time to start seeing performance results. So for those search results that matter the most, try pay per click (PPC). Your PPC ads can be running in search results but you only pay for them when someone clicks. 

PPC is a great way to increase traffic quickly at an affordable cost. Just make sure that whatever landing page your PPC ads drive to is optimized for your campaign objective. 

Build a Successful Digital Ad Campaign Today

Now that you have a guide on how to navigate the different channels of digital marketing, you can start building your digital ad campaign. 

These channels work best together. However, when you're running campaigns across multiple channels, it can be hard to track performance and measure your results. This is where efficient reporting can save you time and energy. 

Rather than hiring multiple managers for different channels, combine all of your reporting and view the metrics that matter to you as a whole.

Find out more about our reporting and analytics dashboard and educate yourself on digital marketing best practices by checking out our blog today! 

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