6 Key Things You Should Know About Facebook Ads

If you love your Facebook account, you're in good company. The popular social media platform has over 2.41 billion active users as of 2019. This means that there are a lot of opportunities for professional networking, building personal friendships, and advertising.

If you run a business or organization and are looking for new and effective ways to get your services out there, it's only natural that you turn to social media. You'll reach a lot of people from all over the world this way, making it one of the most effective marketing methods out there. Still, even if you know that using Facebook ads is a good idea, there are still some things you should know about the platform.

Here, we're going to tell you seven important facts about advertising on Facebook that you can use to get the word about your services out there as effectively as possible.

What You Should Know About Making Your Ad Effective

Before you can begin targeting your ad effectively, you need to first have a great advertisement to put out there in the first place. Read on to learn what makes a Facebook ad great and how various tools can help benefit your business.

1. You Can Make a Slideshow

Studies show that 65% of people are visual learners. This means that having still images, video, and infographics (be they still or moving) are crucial to causing people to become interested in your advertisement.

Luckily, you can add all of these things to your ad on Facebook. In fact, it's much easier to produce video ads on the website since there's a feature that automatically lets you produce slideshow ads.

You don't even need to create a full video when you use Facebook slideshow ads! All you need to do is input the images that you want to show people in the order you want them to be seen. This draws in potential customers because they'll be curious about the moving images and how they all tie together.

2. You Can Use Shutterstock

In Facebook slideshow ads, you have the advantage of being easily able to insert audio, text, and whatever pictures you want. Still, the last thing you want is for your business to be dinged with copyright infringement. A lawsuit is sure to really hurt the profits of any growing business.

Luckily, you don't need to worry about that! Since Facebook has partnered with Shuttershock, you can use a huge variety of stock photos in your Facebook slideshows without having to worry about possible legal issues. Just insert the photos you like directly from the website and you'll be golden!

3. You Can Rotate Your Ads

You may not have heard of ad fatigue before, but you've definitely experienced it firsthand. It's a phenomenon where people get sick of the same old ads over and over again. They either become really annoyed or simply start to completely ignore the ad, which means that it stops being effective no matter how great it once was.

Facebook ads has a powerful built-in tool that will fight against ad fatigue. As long as you design multiple ads and pay for them to be there, Facebook will automatically rotate your advertisements. This will make sure that the same person isn't seeing the same thing each time they log on and keep them interested.

What You Should Know About Targeting Your Ad

Now that you know the basics of making a Facebook ad work, it's time to begin marketing to your target audience. In this section, we'll give you a few tips that are bound to get the right people contacting you!

4. You Can See Who's Clicking

A really cool thing that Facebook Ads lets you do is track your ads. This lets you see who is clicking on the advertisements that you've put out there. When you see this data, you know the demographics that actually are in your target audience.

This is especially helpful because sometimes a service will be most popular with an audience you didn't expect. You may think that your service will be mostly used by middle-aged women, but the stats will later show that young men are using it more than your assumed target audience.

This lets you reevaluate who you're targeting. You can then change up the look of the ads to match this demographic's interests. Plus, this will make it easier to enter the actual target audience into Facebook's algorithm to get them clicking.

5. You Can Target Based on Basically Anything

On Facebook, you can target your ad to pretty much any demographic. You might be wondering how these people will be reached. The answer: it's completely up to you!

You can target Facebook advertisements based on many different factors. To name a few, location, likes, behavior, and connections from friends lists are all demographics that you can target. This means that you'll be reaching the right people and getting as much business as possible.

6. You Can Use Customer's Previous History

Everyone knows that smartphones are popular, but did you know that 77% of American adults own and use one on the daily? Well, it's the truth! Smartphones are by far the piece of technology that the average American uses the most often, so it's only natural that they'll be seeing the bulk of your ads on their pocket-sized screens.

Facebook Ads lets you target these customers based on their previous history. This means that you can show ads to people based in the area that your service is in, showing it to those in your location. You can also target people who have bought or searched for services similar to those you offer in the past.

The possibilities are limitless!

Get Cracking!

Advertising for a business can be a huge challenge, but it's incredibly important. Luckily, you can make things easier on yourself by using Facebook Ads to design a great slideshow and market effectively.

Now that you know all the benefits to Facebook Ads and what you should know to use them as effectively as possible, it's time to get started! Click here to look into an affordable and effective service that's bound to get word about your business to the people who will use it most.

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