
Mobile Advertising | Mobile In-App | Location Based Advertising | Mobile Geofencing | Mobile Audience Segments 

Whatever you call it "mobile" is one of the fastest growing digital ad channels around.  

Mobile Advertising | Reach Over 100,000 Smart Phone Apps


Our network consists of over 100,000 apps on both iOS and Android devices and receives data from more than 700 million users each month. According to Pew Research, 77% of adults in the US own a smart phone. Mobile devices receive more face-time than any other device. 

Mobile Advertising | Accuracy | Guaranteed Location Data


Our mobile location impression data is scrubbed for accuracy. All impressions delivered are verified by GPS location data.

Mobile Advertising Dashboard Reporting


Campaign success is determined by the goal of the campaign. We can measure clicks, landing page interactions including click to map and click to call.

Store visits can be tracked. Users who receive an impression and visit your location are logged as a store visit.  

Ready to get started? 

Launch our mobile campaign builder and create a mobile ad campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions - Mobile

How do companies use mobile?

Companies use mobile to target specific geopraphical areas of importance. Many advertisers conquest competitive locations. Other businesses just need to make sure their message is seen in a specific area. Your campaign goals will dictate how it is you utilize this platform.

How much should I spend?

Depending on your goal and vertical this can vary. Usually our entry level campaigns start at 100,000 impressions. There is virutally no limit to how many impressions you can buy.

How many locations should I target?

As many as you need to. Contact our support team for more information. Each campaign has different variables that can influence this.

What size graphics can I use?

Size: 300x250 and 320x50.

File Size: 150kb max.

File Type: .JPG or .GIF

What's the difference between mobile, and mobile in-app?

Mobile In-App, commonly known as "geofencing", are ads that appear strictly within smart phone apps. Ads are served to people who enter geofences which are virtual perimeters placed around locations of importance to an advertiser. If a person's real time location is important to you, this is a great way to reach them on their smart phone device.

What is a typical CTR?

Usually click through rates (CTR) averages 0.5%+. We've them reach as high as 1.0%+

Can I measure store visits?


How does location visits (store visits) work?

When an ad impression is served to a smart phone device, that device is tagged and if we see it appear within your store, it's logged as a store visit.

Are mobile campaigns better for direct response or branding?

Typically mobile, like all display, is more of a branding tactic. It's hyper-focused and can easily be used with direct response creative. It likely will not drive direct response actions as effectively as other tactics but it will drive awareness within a very specific area that can lead to a direct response from the audience.

How do I use the mobile location form?

This form allows you to designate locations you'd like to target. Clients most commonly target their location(s) as well as their competitor's locations. Simply input all the addresses into the form and upload it to the campaign builder. You'll select the targeting radius directly on the campaign building form - this radius is applied to each target address. You can also target on a wider scale by zip codes, cities, DMA or state. Simply select the "type" on the location targeting form.

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