7 Retargeting Ads Examples to Use for Inspiration in 2024

Did you know that digital advertisers were expected to spend almost $200 billion in online ads last year? And traditionally online advertisers make two dollars for every dollar they spend on Google ads.

If you're not converting at those rates then you could benefit from one of these seven retargeting ads examples. Many trendy ads come and go, but utilizing retargeting isn't one of them. You need to use these common retargeting options in your marketing strategy this year. 

1. Harness the Power of One of the Largest Search Platforms

YouTube boasts they're the second largest search engine on the internet, second only to its parent company Google. If you want to reach your audience with ads, you need to be on YouTube. 

More than two billion people visit YouTube every month so your target audience is bound to be there. But you don't want to waste your advertising dollars getting in front of a billion people if they're not your specific audience.

That's why harnessing the power of retargeting ads can help you maximize your marketing budget by getting in front of your ideal audience. And with the many benefits of video ads, you're sure to see higher conversions when you run targeted YouTube ads. 

2. Get Social With Your Clients

Social media platforms offer advertising as a way to boost their revenue while connecting brands with new audiences. From Instagram ads to Facebook ads, you can reach your audience on their favorite social media platforms. 

One great way to boost engagement with your brand is to offer social proof. Show reviews and testimonials from current clients so potential customers can see themselves working with you also.

And just as with YouTube, connecting with your audience with video ads on Facebook is a great way to establish authority and make a personal connection. 

3. Jump Into Streaming

With over a hundred million viewers every month, Hulu reaches households across the country and around the world. More and more people are cutting the cord and switching to streaming making it an ideal platform to reach your clients.

Hulu's ad manager website boasts the ability to target your clients based on preferences, geolocation, and show preferences. Knowing your audience better than they know themselves allows you to maximize your marketing budget and customize who sees your ads so you only get in front of the right people. 

If you create the right audio ad, with catchy background music and an engaging or humorous audio clip, you'll soon see an increase in engagement. Spotify listeners don't mind listening to a short and entertaining ad as they're already listening and enjoying their music playlist. Harness this captive audience and retarget your clients while they're listening to their favorite playlists. 

4. Go Audio to Connect With Your Audience

Similar to other platforms, with Spotify advertising you can customize your audience to increase conversions. When you narrow the pool of listeners who hear your ads, you'll soon see higher conversion rates and an increase in new customers. 

With almost half a billion users, Spotify offers another unique platform on which to connect with your audience. It is extremely cost effective and their platform offers invaluable data to measure your effectiveness so you aren't wasting time and money getting in front of the wrong audience. 

5. Boost Real-Time Promotions and Events

If you have a holiday sale or summer bonanza coming up then you need to harness the power of retargeting ads. With real-time analytics and the ability for each platform to reach your ideal audience then you can boost the reach of your next big sale, promotion, or event. 

Brick-and-mortar stores can utilize online advertising as much as their online counterparts. With any of the platforms listed above you can narrow your audience so that only listeners in your area hear or see your ads.

When you pair location customizations with your audience's interests then you'll soon see your ads getting in front of the exact people interested in your next event. 

6. Utilize Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey

Retargeting ads can help you focus your types of ads to reach the right audience where they are in their buyer's journey. For example, a humorous ad highlighting your brand can draw attention to the top of the funnel.

You can also create a free offer to maximize someone in the middle of the funnel if they're already familiar with your brand but haven't interacted with you yet. Getting them on your list with a free offer can help you nurture the relationship through your email marketing campaigns. 

Finally, showing bottom-of-the-funnel ads to already warm and hot customers can drive up sales and increase conversions. 

7. Continue the Relationship With Your Current Email Audience

Ad campaigns are a great opportunity for you to turn a cold audience into a warm one by getting them to click through to your website or sign up for your email list. However, the opportunities don't stop there. You can continue to get your brand in front of your audience by capitalizing on your email list. 

Simply load your email list as a .csv file to most social media platforms and send reminder ads to your current email list. Many marketers quote an old adage that it takes seven touches with your audience before you can convert them. Sometimes your emails might get lost in someone's inbox, or they're just busy when checking email, and you get lost in the shuffle. 

But when they also see your brand on their social media scroll, this could remind them of the email they recently saw and search for your new program. As you can see retargeting ads can span across many platforms and work together to create a synergistic experience for your audience.  

Pick One of These Retargeting Ads Examples

Revamping your marketing campaign doesn't have to be overwhelming. Choose one from this list of retargeting ads examples and then build your campaigns slowly.

If the idea of managing so many different types of ad examples is overwhelming then you might need to expand your tech stack. We've created the first all-inclusive digital platform to help you plan your digital ads.

We offer a comprehensive platform so you can execute and manage your ad campaigns. To learn more, schedule your free demo.  

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