7 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Advertise on Spotify

Did you know that Spotify was launched in 2008 and currently has 381 million users with 172 million subscribers across 184 markets? It's a great time to be a musician because you can share your music with hundreds or thousands of listeners in a matter of seconds, and get your fan base going. Businesses can also get in on the action by running Spotify ads.

If you have a business and are wondering if you should advertise on Spotify, then you are in the right place. Below, we share 7 reasons why Spotify advertisements are the key that your business is missing. 

1. Get At Active and Engaged Listeners

The great thing about Spotify listeners is that they are highly active and engaged on the platform. They are consuming about 2.5 hours of content daily, streaming favorite music while on the go, or multi-tasking while at work or school. 

This means that your Spotify ads aren't going to be ignored by listeners, as short infrequent ads from Spotify won't bug them too much while listening to their favorite podcast or more. Take advantage of this undivided attention fostered by Spotify and get your business in front of these engaged listeners. 

In addition, even though premium subscribers have more buying power than free subscribers, both parties have enough buying power to ensure that your Spotify advertisements have a great ROI on them. 

2. Many Brands Aren’t Advertising on Spotify Yet

One major advantage that a company advertising on Spotify will have is that they will stand out from the crowd and their competition since many brands and businesses haven't started advertising on Spotify yet. They are still in the waiting-and-watching mode.

By becoming an early adopter of Spotify ads, you can get in front of engaged users of Spotify faster and better than other brands. It will also give you time to run tests on different kinds of ads to see which ones Spotify users like and which ones they ignore. 

3. Listeners Have To Listen to the Full Ad (They Can’t Skip It)

Currently, the way Spotify ads are set up, ads cannot be skipped. You get up to 30 seconds to create an ad that catches the attention of the Spotify user listening. You can make it shorter if you wish or use the full 30-second slot.

But either way, the Spotify user has to listen to the full ad before the platform reverts to their music or podcast. This is quite unlike YouTube ads, which the user can skip after 5 seconds (in most cases).

4. Your Business Will Appear Hip and Modern if Running Spotify Ads

Spotify may have many users of diverse ages and backgrounds, but it is still considered the platform of Gen Xers, and Millennials. If you have business advertising on such a modern platform, rather than doing TV advertisements, users are going to notice this. 

It will make your business appear young, genuine, smart, and trustworthy. Also, users love it when businesses come to the platforms where they already are, rather than sticking to old and boring ways of communication and advertising. 

5. You Don’t Have to Worry About Videos or Formatting

With Spotify marketing and audio ads, you don't have to worry so much about formatting, as they rely on voice scripts with a bit of background music to improve the ad's impact and set the tone.

This puts less pressure on you and your business advertisements, as you don't have to spend thousands or even millions of dollars on creating advertisements (like you would if it were a YouTube or TV ad). You can try many different audio scripts and see which ones work with your target audience. Scrap it quickly if it doesn't work, or keep it going if it does.

It makes life for your marketing team easier, as Spotify users being younger appreciate authenticity much more than fancy razzle-dazzle. 

6. Spotify Ads Are Self-serving, so You Have More Control Over Them

With Spotify advertisements, you won't need to work with an account manager at Spotify who will set up your ads for you and reject or approve them. It's as easy as opening up the Spotify app on your phone or the browser and going to the self-serve ad platform to get your ad campaign started.

One awesome thing about Spotify is that they have a free voiceover tool that can make audio advertising more accessible to your brand, no matter how much experience you have with it. In addition to audio, you can also add an image and a clickthrough URL to where you wish to divert interested users (it will show up while the ad is playing on the mobile app). 

For the audio file, you need to ensure it's less than 30 seconds long, the file size is under 1MB, and only MP3, OGG, or WAV file types are allowed. For the image, you need to ensure it's either a JPEG or PNG file, the file size is under 200KB, and the resolution is 640x640 pixels. 

7. Reach a Diverse Audience Under the Age of 60

Spotify has a huge engaged subscriber base from a diverse demographic. Most users are actively engaged with certain podcasts or looking for music from bands, or musicians they love or have found somewhere else. 

If your brand is interested in targeting an audience that's a bit younger (45 or younger) and has $250 to spend (that's the minimum ad spend), it's not a bad idea to try Spotify ads. Test them out to see how they work for your brand. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Advertise on Spotify To Get At Your Target Audience

There are many different advertising mediums available to brands today. So you might wonder why you should advertise on Spotify. With all the reasons listed above, you must realize that Spotify advertisements are a new way to get at your target audience, and you would be remiss if you ignore this new advertising platform. 

If you want one digital ad management platform for all your online advertising, consider contacting Savant DSP for a demo today.

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